Our laser treatments helps the removal of tattoos, without any side effect, so that it does not have to stay with you for life.
As surrounding tissue is not damaged it is safe to repeat the procedure several times, giving the body time to remove as much pigment as possible. After a period of 6 weeks, the process can be repeated to remove deeper layers of pigment until the tattoo fades away. The exact number of treatments is even for an experienced laser operator hard to define. Depending on the depth of the tattoo it usually takes 4 to 6 treatments (rare cases make up to 10 treatments necessary). Other important factors determining the duration are for example: the art of ink, the method of injection, the quality of the tattoo and the reactivity of the own body’s defence system. The tattoo removal with laser does not require a special skin preparation. The treatment is almost painfree. The removal is generally perceived less painful than the tattooing itself. Of course it also depends on the bodyarea and your individual sensation. After the treatment it is possible that the skin might be irritated, reddened or lightly swollen. As well there might be an accumulation of eschar, which dissapears after 1-2 weeks and should not be removed in advance. Before and after the treatment you should avoid sun bathing and tanning beds. For futher questions please contact us to make an appointment. In the moment it is only possible to remove dark tattoos (black, blue, grey and green). A mulitcolourspectrum laser for all other colours is in the phase of evaluation.